Desexing Pets

Neutering is the name for a veterinary procedure which offers animals a permanent solution for birth control. It may also be known as spaying, castrating, desexing, fixing or sterilizing.

Besides the obvious benefits of birth control, desexing may offer other benefits such as:

  • Reducing the risk of certain cancers, such as mammary cancers in dogs
  • Reduce the risk of life-threating conditions such as pyometra
  • Reducing  urine marking, some forms of aggression, roaming, mounting and other troublesome behaviours.

Vets heavily heavily subsidise the cost of desexing procedures to reduce the over-population of unwanted animals.

When should I get my pet neutered?

The decision of when to neuter your pet depends on individual breed and size. Very early desexing can carry some minor risks At Crofton Downs Vets we adopt an evidence based approach to inform you of the optimum age for desexing your pet. Talk to your vet about optimum desexing age during your pets vaccination or feel free to give our friendly team a call.