The term “soft tissue surgery” refers to any treatment that does not affect the bones, ligaments, or spine. This category of surgery includes more routine procedures such as “desexing”, through to more complicated procedures such as intestinal surgery, tumour removals, hernia surgery and operations on the bladder.

We have a state of the art, modern theatre that allows for surgical intervention to be  performed on your pet under sterile conditions, inside a hygienic theatre climate, with theatre personnel wearing scrub outfits, gowns, hats, and face mask, just as you would anticipate to see in a modern human operation room.

Our skilled veterinarians are able to perform most soft-tissue surgeries in-house, and undergone further training to offer some advanced procedures that often require referral, such as brachycephalic obstructive airway syndrome (BOAS) corrective surgery.

For more complicated surgeries we offer referral to a specialist surgeon at Massey University.