Keep your pets Flea Free

Fleas are tiny, ticks are tiny, but they can cause some not so tiny problems. No one likes to be itchy and it is avoidable for you and your pets. Ticks and fleas can also cause other problems for your pet. Let’s have a look at some reasons to make sure that your pets are tick and flea free.

Skin Health

Flea bites cause itchiness, on pets and humans. Depending on the sensitivity to the saliva an allergic reaction can cause more damage. In severe and untreated cases flea bites can lead to skin infection, this is because of continuous scratching.

Fleas in your home

Fleas do not live very long so they multiply quickly. Once they have fed on the blood of your pet they can lay up to 50 eggs per day. They find their way into your home on your pet’s fur, by hitching a ride on your clothes or any number of ways. The fact that they can start laying eggs within 24 hours of being in your home, means that 1 flea can cause a serious infestation. Preventing fleas on your pets means preventing fleas in your home. If you do find yourself with an infestation remember that you will need to use foggers or sprays two weeks apart, possibly three treatments to break the cycle.

Proactive vs Reactive

As pet owners the health of our furry friends is very important. We at Crofton Down Veterinary clinic understand how much you care for your pets. Preventing your pet from getting sick is so much better than having to treat an illness. The best cure is prevention. Our vet will set up a schedule for you to fit in the parasite treatments with vaccinations and deworming. They can also advise on the best way to set up a regimen to keep your pets and home parasite free.

Keeping your pet safe from fleas, ticks and other parasites keeps your family and your home safe from these annoyances too.

Steps to being parasite free

Speak to your vet about what sort of parasite prevention would work best for your situation. There are a variety of options available – oral (tablets), topical(directly applied) and wearable (collars). Discuss the required dosage for your pet to make sure they are well protected. We have a wide variety of parasite preventable treatments.

Our vets will go through the pros and cons of each of the treatments available. Together we will make sure that your furbaby gets the best possible flea prevention.